
At nearly 600 Wal-Mart locations around the country, you can now buy concert and sporting event tickets from Ticketmaster in addition to your sliced turkey, deodorant, light bulbs and whatever else you’re picking up at the big-box retailer that day. Stemming from a deal announced in early 2010 between Wal-Mart and Ticketmaster parent company Live Nation, kiosks have appeared in numerous Wal-Mart stores selling Ticketmaster tickets.

For the first half of August, Ticketmaster was offering 4-pack ticket specials to Wal-Mart shoppers, and the company plans to continue to make special offers to Wal-Mart shoppers throughout the partnership.

Though no other formal tickets specials or bundles have been announced, the deal brings to mind other exclusive partnerships artists have entered into with Wal-Mart. The Eagles sold their 2007 album Long Road to Eden exclusively at Wal-Mart during its first year of release, with AC/DC, Journey and Garth Brooks all having releases sold exclusively at Wal-Mart, as well. Ticketmaster executives have suggested that future specials will see tickets and albums bundled together for a special price, among other promotions.

Additionally, since Live Nation owns Ticketmaster, it remains to be seen how the live events promoter will use Wal-Mart to further promote artists signed to Live Nation. Since 2007, Live Nation has signed artists to various promotion and record deals, integrating touring, promotion and record sales. Some artists currently under contract with the company include Madonna, Jay-Z, Nickelback and Shakira.

In other Live Nation news, the company has started selling its tickets at Lockerz.com, an online rewards company that also functions as a sort of social networking site, as users earn points by watching videos, listening to music, uploading photos and other internet activities on the site. Points, known as PTZ, can be used to receive discounts on items for sale on the site, including Live Nation concert tickets.

The site, aimed at 13 to 30 year old consumers, also has a licensing agreement with EMI, allowing tens of thousands of music videos to legally be streamed on the site. Using PTZ, a Lockerz user can discount the cost of Live Nation tickets up to 99 percent.